THE FOUNDATION abaECF, INCThe American Bridge Association Education and Charitable Foundation, Inc, (abaECF), a 501C(3) non-profit organization is incorporated as a public charity.The abaECF, Inc., has its own by-laws and Board of Directors and is an arm of the American Bridge Association (ABA) that functions as a separate entity with governance by a twelve to fifteen member Board of Directors. MISSIONTo engage in educational and charitable activities for the purpose of promoting bridge awareness, education, research, training, and scholarships.To facilitate learning opportunities for young and adult citizens through the development of national and local bridge programs. GOALSRaise and distribute Funds to support programs.Promote National and local community bridge awareness. Provide Bridge Participation Statistics and Information for research and educational purposes. Develop new innovative Bridge Awareness Programs.
*Visit the American Bridge Association Education & Charitable Foundation for more information about the Foundation.